PA Pest Control Home

Head Office:
Oak House, Outgang Road
Pickering YO18 7EL
01751 474727


Protecting Your Home from rodents

Rodents pose a significant health risk Common diseases carried by rats include Salmonella, Weil's disease, E.coli, Cryptosporidiosis and Tuberculosis.

Rodents in the Home or Garden
It is extremely serious if rats are getting into your home even if they are not entering a direct living area. Any rat problem inside the home must be treated fast

Rats in the garden and other external areas can also be high risk, particularly in areas used by children

It is important to get rid of rats in the garden to reduce the risk of them trying to enter the home.

Professional Rat Control
P A Pest Control service technicians provide highly targeted treatment to deal with any rodent problem and will advise on how to keep your home free of rodents in the future.

Call us now on 01751 474727 for pest control in North Yorkshire, 01723 865222 for Yorkshire East Coast, or email us at


Signs of a Rat Problem

Rodents are nocturnal and usually hide from humans, so the signs of a rodent problem in the home are:

  • Scratching noises in walls or under the floor as rats scurry around
  • Droppings – rats leave dark, tapered droppings about 10-14mm long
  • Mice leave small, dark droppings about the size of a pencil led particularly along walls or in areas of significant mouse activity such as in cupboards or under sinks.
  • Damage – rodents have teeth that grow continuously and gnaw on wood and plastic to keep them trim.
  • Ripped food packaging – rodents will tear open food which may leave teeth marks
  • Nests – rodents build nests in warm, hidden places using shredded material such as newspaper and fabrics. Nests will often contain young rats
  • Burrows - In gardens, rats will dig burrows especially in compost heaps or under sheds. They will also build nests under garden decking.


Store food in plastic or metal containers and regularly clean under cookers and fridges.

Ensure household refuse is kept in closed bins.

Do not put meat into compost heaps.

Ensure that all pipe-work is in good order.

Use squirrel-proof bird feeders.

Unforunately professional treatment is required to eradicate a bedbug infestation

The key to beating bedbug problems is to raise awareness of what to look for and to ensure bedbugs are dealt with quickly once discovered.



Protecting Your Home from bedbugs

Bedbugs are becoming more and more of a problem in this country and around the world. They are easily spread and difficult to treat resulting in a rapid growth in the number of bedbug outbreaks.

The Impact of Bedbugs
Bedbugs feed on the blood of humans and other mammals.

While it is possible for bedbugs to transmit disease, in this country it is very rare. Instead, the primary concern is the irritation and distress caused by bedbug bites.

Bedbug bites do not hurt. It is the itchiness that results from the body's reaction to them that causes discomfort.


Identifying Bedbugs
Adult bedbugs are 5mm long. Before feeding they are a flattened oval shape and light brown, but become rounder and darker after feeding.

  • Bedbugs come out at night and are attracted to the warmth of our bodies and carbon dioxide in our breath.
  • Bedbugs are usually found in bedrooms but hide in cracks and crevices during the day.
  • The most common shelters for bedbugs are in the seams of mattresses, in crevices in the bed frame, behind furniture surrounding the bed (especially the headboard) or where the wall meets the floor.
  • A more established infestation of bedbugs is associated with dark or black staining of the mattress from bed bug excreta


Protecting Your Home from fleas

Fleas are a common problem in homes especially for those with cats or dogs. They are also frequently found when moving into a home that previously had pets.

Understanding Fleas
There are many species of flea, but most are 2-3mm long and red or brown in colour.

Adult fleas pierce the skin of mammals or birds to feed on blood. However, flea larvae feed on organic matter in carpets or bedding and so high levels of hygiene can slow the life-cycle.


Understanding Fleas
Even with the best care, it is difficult to protect fully against the risk of your dog or cat catching fleas.

When your pet has fleas, it is likely that it will scratch more often or try to bite the fleas in its fur.

A flea comb and frequent grooming may be sufficient to prevent fleas establishing themselves, but your vet or pet shop will offer treatments to protect your pet from fleas.

Consult your vet if there are signs of irritation such as reddening of the skin or if there are thin patches in the coat of your pet.



Did you ever wonder why there are so many flies in the summer? Firstly this is because flies start their reproduction cycle at the start of summer and secondly they mate and reproduce at an astonishing speed.

An average house fly lives for about 2 weeks but can singularly be responsible for the birth of thousands of flies thus causing fly infestation.

In order to derive ways of eliminating fly infestation we need to know what causes fly infestation. Only a couple of days after an adult female fly emerges from the pupa, she will start to lay eggs, maybe 250 at a time and she lays eggs daily.


So once the fly has found good nesting grounds it will lay tons of eggs. These eggs hatch within the next 24 hours; and what comes out is an off white, translucent, worm like creature which starts to feed on the rotting object almost immediately and they keep on growing.

After 5 days they change into a pupa, where in they develop themselves into a fly and emerge after another 2-3 days. So a single fly causes the addition of so many flies in the region and every single fly keeps on reproducing till it dies.

P A Pest control technicians understand the habits of each species and also have a range of powerful insecticides to deal with flies. Our service is fast, effective and offers the highest level of pest control.

Call us now on 01751 474727 for pest control in North Yorkshire, 01723 865222 for Yorkshire East Coast, or email us at


House Flies
Adults 6-7mm. Female house flies lay 400-600 eggs in decaying matter or faeces, which develop into maggot larvae. Attracted to any uncovered food or organic waste.

Bluebottles (Blow Flies)
Adults 6-12mm. usually metallic blue or green but can be black or grey. Significant numbers in a house will often indicate a dead animal (such as a mouse) in the property.

Cluster Flies
Adults 6-10mm. Cluster flies often take shelter over the winter inside homes (such as in attics) and can occur in very large numbers in the home as they emerge in the spring.